User Statistics

This page corresponds to the user statistics, and includes geographical and continental distribution, as well as age group and gender, education, hobbies and use of social networking sites. Note that no potentially identifiable information (usernames or other collected addresses) are present here, and they only form a generalised view of the survey so far.

Geographical Distribution

To date, the majority of respondents are from the United States of America, with respondents reported in the United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Israel and Japan.

Continental Distribution

To date, the majority of respondents are North American. Currently there is one respondent each from the Middle East and South America. Responses from other continents are pending.


To date, the results pool has slightly more male respondents than female respondents. A small selection chose not to disclose their gender publicly.

Age Groups

To date, the majority of respondents are aged between 15 and 19 years of age, followed by those between 25 and 29, and 20 to 24.

Level of Education

To date, the majority of respondents are in university or college.

Hobbies by Participants

To date, the five major hobbies above the linear average pertain to literacy (reading, writing), artistic, technological (programming), travel and fan-related activities.

Social Networking

To date, over half of the respondents are primarily FaceBook users, followed by Tumblr, Twitter, and no use (or disclosure) of a social networking site at all. A few currently use Google+, Reddit and deviantArt as their chosen social networks.

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